Letter to Filippo Re’s sister in law

Filippo RE. Lettera alla cognata Caterina Busetti Re - Reggio, 21 agosto 1796

Letter to Filippo Re’s sister in law
Reggio, 21 August 1796

On August 20, 1796 a grenadier of the Duke has a squabble with a green grocer over a head of lettuce. It is Just one of the many incidents of the time that sets the people against the ducal guards, but this time on the dimension of a real insurrection. The participants are Rosa Manganelli, a bold member of the lower class and Carlo Ferrarini, later arrested. It sets the people in motion that culminates several days later in the Revolution of Reggio Emilia. The famous episode of the turmoil is described in a letter from Filippo Re to his sister-in-law Caterina Busetti Re.


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