The pretty fisher-woman

The pretty fisher-woman
A light musical. Reggio, Davolio, 1791

On April 30, 1791, on the occasion of the fair, the comic opera “La bella pescatrice” (“The pretty fisher-woman”) is performed in Reggio, featuring the singer from Milan Chiara Marini, a favourite of Hercules III. The opera is interrupted by rioting which spreads from the theatre to the square. The Duke orders that the show be repeated and calls for troupes from Modena. The commander of the garrison Antonio Fabbrici from Modena, is killed in Reggio.
The show is performed the day after (3rd, May) under the military protection and almost without public. For the first time discontent with the Duke grows until provokes public turmoil.

La bella pescatrice Dramma giocoso in musica. Reggio, Davolio, 1791


p.zza Casotti, 1
42121 Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522/456033

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